Monday, August 1, 2011

Minors Moniker Madness 2011's 2011 Moniker Madness Tournament began today, which I think is a perfect occasion to launch this blog we have here. As a current "datacaster" for (which makes me seem like I have magical powers, however much to the contrary my reality may be), I see star-making and joke-making names on baseball rosters at all levels - seemingly a reflection of the comedy inherent in the game. (What other professional sport employs the blooper reel as an entertainment tactic?) Names tell stories, and I want those stories to be heard - whether they came from an unusual experience, from mildly sadistic parents, or from out of nowhere.

So here you have it: a new blog, called Wonderful Terrific, after a minor leaguer whom many consider to have the best baseball name of all time: Wonderful Terrific Monds III. Yes, that's his real name. Yes, that "III" you see after it denotes that there were, at the very least, two prior Wonderful Terrifics in his family. No, I have no idea what his friends call him for short - but I hope to find out.

To get the blog ready for prime-time, I'm going to start off with a breakdown of the MiLB Moniker Madness Tournament, including some of my favorite matchups. I'll publish results of the tournament as it progresses, and include some famous standoffs from past tournaments. Future segments will include the Best Names in Baseball History, different categories of great names, talk about what makes a great baseball name, and, hopefully, interviews with some of the owners of these stupendous noms de jeux.

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